New Tricks is a BBC television drama series which follows the work of the Unsolved Crime and Open Case Squad (UCOS). Led by Detective Chief Superintendent Sandra Pullman, it is made up of retired police officers who have been recruited to re investigate unsolved crimes. The series title is taken from the popular expression "You can't teach an old dog new tricks". The "old dogs" are successful in adapting their skills and experience to modern policing, with their knowledge of past cases proving especially useful. Series 7 premiered on the 10 September 2010.
In New tricks the four main characters are all older than the average policeman, this is because the UCOS squad needs experienced cops, and one stereotype is that with age comes wisdom.
Many stereotypes are also portrayed in this drama as I have viewed many clips where one of the main characters would be in chase with a suspect and they would start to run and they wouldn't be able to keep up with the younger person, this is a another stereotype that old people are not very fit.
The theme song to the TV drama has the lyrics "It's alright, it's OK, doesn't really matter if you're old and grey".
"It's alright, it's OK, listen to what I say."
"It's alright, doing fine, doesn't really matter if the sun don't shine.
"It's alright, it's OK, make it the end of the day." this insinuates that because they are old they might not be able to make to the end of the day, but the program also breaks stereotypes as all the main characters are not defenseless as they always seem to solve the case and get the bad guy in the end.
Though in the drama the police men use the fact that there older and more experienced to help themselves, because people seem to trust them more as they are seemed as harmless and they also have old friends ad informant s that can help them get the edge over the younger investigator's on the force.
Though in the drama the police men use the fact that there older and more experienced to help themselves, because people seem to trust them more as they are seemed as harmless and they also have old friends ad informant s that can help them get the edge over the younger investigator's on the force.