Monday, 1 November 2010

How does Calvin Klein represent Eva Mendes in the advert below?

Just by looking at the stance of Eva Mendes we can already tell that she is being powerful and dominating, the wider stance of her legs suggest her being ready to be pushed away, this tells me that she has adopted this stance as a sign of her strong will and determination. She is also wearing high heels this gives her extra height this suggests that being taller makes you look more intimidating and less likely to be pushed around, the shoes are also being used so that it draws our attention to her legs, they also make her legs look slimmer.
It we then go higher we focus on her hands and we realise that she is not wearing a ring, this is a subtle way of suggesting that she is an independent woman. Her hands are also situated on her hips this makes her look like she is adopting a more aggressive stance, it tells me that Eva is a very capable woman and doesn't need looking after. 
If we look a her head we can see that she isn't looking at the camera this creates a more 'not really bothered' attitude that us men seem to like, plus the look is mysterious and alluring but it's also a useful device which makes the person viewing the poster look at the underwear and that's essentially what the poster is trying to promote.
In the picture Eva's hair is wet I think that it shows her as a busy person who has just got out of the shower because they are attending at event where they want to look there best, I think that it suggests that Calvin Klein represents females as being very much different from the age old stereotypes of how the woman's place is the home and she needs to cook and look after the kids, she seems to break of the shackles of sexually repression and developed into a new breed of woman in the 21st century who are sexually empowered and who's mentality has completely changed to  cope with the new ideology of the 21st century. Her teeth are also slightly apart this makes her take on a more feral dangerous beast look which shows Eva being very capable of defending herself, women would also aspire to her look because it would make them feel more empowered and less weak or defenseless. 
The low angle shot that is used in the poster makes Eva seem very powerful and commanding this promotes that the woman who wants to seem more powerful and controlling would want to buy the underwear because it shows that they to like the image of Eva being empowered as a woman. It also makes it seem that she is looking down on us and we are not worthy to be in her presence, it makes you feel that she is so much better than you just by being slightly more elevated giving her a sense of more power being the larger presence.
The colour also works in her favour as black is usually thought o a more serious colour that contrasts with the white background really well. Black is also a more mature and sexy colour that both men and woman like, though it's black in the poster to promote that Calvin Klein's underwear isn't just for any occasion. It also makes Eva look more natural with her pose compared to page 3 girls who's positioning seems very fake and immature(not that I would know).
Also note the suspenders that she's wearing, there not only stylish but they also draw your attention to the legs and general pants area. Also the Calvin Klein logo is positioned just to the right of her legs i think that this has been strategically placed so we are drawn to the leg area without even realising.

1 comment:

  1. Good work Rhys, especially considering you've never seen a page three model and have had to guess how they pose.

    Try and inlcude some of Millum's and Fergussons theories when looking at Mendes' facial expressions.

    You have a good sense of argument in your work though.
