First of all we had to design a Front cover and a contents page, they both had to have mast heads and the cover had to have a close up of a mid shot, it had to cover 2 thirds of the page because that's the most interesting part of the magazine. I decided to name my magazine essay because it had more of a link to school life than my previous idea for the title(okul). I felt that my Target market would be 14-19 year old's in the school who take music or are interested in joining some type of musical activity in the school.
I decided to make my magazine around depression and how to revise for your exams, and if you get bad results it has a article on how to cope with them.
The main article is about what the school can do for you musically.
I am going to have my colour scheme as silver ,red and brown. I chose this colour scheme because it will appeal to my target audience and its also easy to use.
For my titles I will use the website this will give a more professional view.
The masthead will be bold and silver, this will stand out and immediately tell the reader what the magazine is called and what it is about.
In my mock ups the front cover has a mid shot of a guitar, I later decided to change this to a picture of a person in stead because it will appeal to a larger target audience. The masthead covers the top part of the picture and there are cover lines going across the page about the main part of the articles.
On my contents page I had set it out so there would be a picture to every strap line.